Diabetes Education, Management and Support
More than 20 million Americans have diabetes, but one in every three doesn’t know it. Diabetes is a silent disease. Oftentimes, by the time it is diagnosed, damage to arteries, eyes, nerves and kidneys may have been going on for years.
Through education and one-on-one counseling, Sarasota Memorial's comprehensive Diabetes Treatment Services program helps patients design a self-care plan that can decrease the risk of developing complications related to diabetes. For information, call 941-917-7468.
Diabetes Services Outpatient Locations
Certified diabetes educators offer individual consultations and disease management help (healthcare provider referral is required) at the following locations:
Adult Diabetes Self-Management Education (up to 10 hours)
- Diabetes disease process and treatment options
- Lifestyle modifications, including nutrition and physical activity
- Safe use of medications
- Home blood glucose testing and interpretation of results
- Prevention, detection and treatment of acute and chronic complications
- Personal strategies to address psychosocial issues and promote health and behavioral changes
- Assessment & training with a Registered Nurse and Certified Diabetes Educator (includes glucometer training and insulin or insulin pump education)

Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Diet assessment and development of a personalized meal plan with guidance from a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator
- Annual follow-up diabetes self-management education
Gestational Diabetes Education for Pregnant Women
- Blood sugar control
- Home blood glucose testing and monitoring
- Comprehensive nutrition and meal planning
Diabetes Support Group
Sarasota Memorial's free Diabetes Support Group offers motivation, education and support to those managing diabetes. Recognized by the American Diabetes Association and led by certified diabetes educators, the meetings provide attendees with the tools they need to maintain optimum blood sugar control and prevent complications. The support group meets virtually on the first Wednesday of every month (excluding July, August and September). Registration is not required; please call 941-917-7468 or email for dates and to be added to the group's email list.
Information & Referrals
Medicare and many insurance companies cover the cost of diabetes education, but a referral from your physician or nurse practitioner is required. We recommend you verify whether services are covered by your insurance plan. For more information or to make an appointment, send email to DiabetesTreatmentServices@smh.com or call 941-917-7468.