Take a Video Tour of Sarasota Memorial's Venice Hospital

Take a Video Tour of Sarasota Memorial's Venice Hospital

Take an animated tour of Sarasota Memorial's planned hospital and 65-acre campus in Venice, Fla.

Thursday, November 15, 2018
Coming Soon: Sarasota Memorial Hospital – Venice

Coming Soon: Sarasota Memorial Hospital – Venice

Sarasota Memorial is bringing its 5-Star, affordable care closer to South County residents with a new state-of-the-art hospital planned for its 65-acre campus on Laurel and Pinebrook roads in Venice, Fla. The new, acute-care hospital is expected to open in Fall 2021.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Men to Men Prostate Cancer Support Group

Location: HealthConnection is located on the first floor of the hospital, near the B elevators and across from the Gift Shop.

 Registration Requested:  917-7011 OR email: HealthConnection@smh.com

 Additional Information: David Morse  (941) 356-0754 or dgmaei1@hotmail.com   with “Men-to-Men” in the subject line.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Pain in Paradise: Current Concepts in Comprehensive Pain Management

Sarasota Memorial Health Care Sytem  1700 S. Tamiami Trail Saraosta, FL 34239

Location: North side of the hospital just off Waldemere St. between the Gift Shop and the A elevator to the parking garage           

 Register: Eventbrite: https://bit.ly/2M6Y1tZ

Questions: Email: Melissa-Houseman@smh.com

  Deadline to Register is October 15th                                                                                  


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

HealthConnection Tai Chi Class

Sarasota Memorial Health Care System - HealthConnection Suite  1st floor 1700 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34239

Location: HealthConnection is located on the first floor of the hospital, near the B elevators and across from the Gift Shop.

Registration:  917-7011 OR email: HealthConnection@smh.com

Wednesday, September 5, 2018