SMH Joins Drug Study to Reduce Dangerous Inflammation in COVID-19 Patients

SMH Joins Drug Study to Reduce Dangerous Inflammation in COVID-19 Patients

Sarasota Memorial Hospital is one of more than a dozen research sites across the nation participating in the multi-center trial of IC14, an anti-CD14 monoclonal antibody drug that researchers hope will reduce dangerous levels of inflammation in COVID-19 patients. This week, SMH became the first U.S. site to enroll a patient in the phase 2 trial, called the COVID-19 anti-CD14 Treatment Trial (CaTT). 

Thursday, April 15, 2021
Coping with Cancer

Coping with Cancer

Every cancer journey is a rollercoaster, physically and emotionally. But patients can learn to cope with cancer. If you’re navigating your own cancer journey, learn to live well with the disease with these steps from SMH Oncology Clinical Counselor Elizabeth Bornstein.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Lung Cancer Screening: What to Expect

Lung Cancer Screening: What to Expect

Did you know there’s a screening test that can detect lung cancer, even before symptoms appear? Find out why low-dose CT lung cancer screening is a game-changer, who should get screened and what they can expect.

Thursday, April 8, 2021
Organ Donation: The Gift of Life

Organ Donation: The Gift of Life

Did you know there are more than 5,000 men, women and children in Florida desperately awaiting a life-saving organ transplant? Now is always the perfect time to register as an organ donor. Find out how and why organ and tissue donation is critically needed, in this blog post.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021
COVID-19 Treatment Offered at SMH Shows Promising Results

COVID-19 Treatment Offered at SMH Shows Promising Results

A monoclonal antibody cocktail developed by Regeneron cut the risk of hospitalization and death by 70% when given to high-risk COVID-19 patients in a large clinical trial, the drug maker announced last week. SMH was among 27 sites participating in the trial.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021