Save Yourself! The Great American Smokeout Is Coming!

Save Yourself! The Great American Smokeout Is Coming!

As of the latest FDA studies, tobacco use remains the #1 cause of preventable death in the US. And each day, roughly 1,600 youth smoke their first cigarette. Fortunately, studies also show that smoking cessation programs work, which is why Sarasota Memorial partners with the Gulfcoast South Area Health Education Center to host The Great American Smokeout every year.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Sarasota Memorial Recognized Among Best Hospitals for Ethical Billing

Sarasota Memorial Recognized Among Best Hospitals for Ethical Billing

Sarasota Memorial Health Care System was recognized today as one of the Best Hospitals for Billing Ethics in America in a first-ever study published by Money.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022
SMH Participates in Clinical Study of World's First Dual-Chamber, Wireless Pacemaker

SMH Participates in Clinical Study of World's First Dual-Chamber, Wireless Pacemaker

Sarasota Memorial is one of 80 research sites participating in an international clinical trial of the world’s first true dual-chamber, leadless pacemaker for people with slow and irregular heart rhythms.

Thursday, November 3, 2022
Happy Birthday, SMH!

Happy Birthday, SMH!

Today, Sarasota Memorial celebrates its 97th anniversary!

Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Planet of the Vapes

Planet of the Vapes

Though first introduced as potential healthy alternative to cigarettes, vapes and e-cigarettes and vape pens are harmful for your lungs and bad for your health. They’re also really popular with kids. Learn more.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022