DIY First-aid: What You Need & When to Use It

DIY First-aid: What You Need & When to Use It

Maintaining a fully stocked first-aid kit is a must for every household — as is knowing when to treat at home, when to head to an urgent care center and when to call 9-1-1. We reached out to Sarasota Memorial’s Trauma Services Injury Prevention Coordinator Susan Williams, RN, BSN, and pediatric hospitalist Jessie L. Hoang, MD, for their take on what a first-aid/emergency kit should include. Check out their recommendations. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Pandemic Predicament: Coping with the ‘New Normal’

The Pandemic Predicament: Coping with the ‘New Normal’

As communities across the world wrangle with a “new normal,” millions are feeling the emotional and mental weight of this unprecedented time. Here are some self-care tips and strategies we can all use to successfully persevere through these difficult times.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Mask Wearing 101: How to Use & Re-Use a Face Mask

Mask Wearing 101: How to Use & Re-Use a Face Mask

Face masks are only effective when they are handled, worn, stored and disposed of properly. Used improperly, and the masks actually become vehicles for spreading germs. Sarasota Memorial nurse Jennifer Sorensen, RN, offers a step-by-step mask-wearing how-to, along with some do's and don'ts, in this video blog.

Thursday, April 2, 2020
HealthFit Earns 'Medical Fitness Facility' Recertification

HealthFit Earns 'Medical Fitness Facility' Recertification

HealthFit - Powered by Sarasota Memorial announced today that it earned recertification as a Medical Fitness Facility by the Medical Fitness Association (MFA). HealthFit remains the only certified facility in Sarasota, and one of just two in the state. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020
Oncology Tower Timelapse Video

Oncology Tower Timelapse Video

Check out the progress construction teams have made so far (January through November 2019) on the Sarasota Memorial Cancer Institute's oncology tower, set to open Fall 2021.

Monday, December 2, 2019