Sweet Potato Pancakes | Thrive in the Kitchen

Sweet Potato Pancakes | Thrive in the Kitchen

Get a boost of vitamins and minerals with this delicious Sweet Potato Pancake recipe! These plant-based pancakes contain nutrients like Vitamin A and Calcium which can reduce the risk of cancer while strengthening bones. Enjoy this Thrive recipe provided by SMH Executive Chef Omar Mattei, specfically crafted for cancer patients. 

Thursday, March 24, 2022
Poison Prevention At Every Age

Poison Prevention At Every Age

Button batteries and household cleaners, venomous spiders and poisonous snakes, mixed-up medications and inadvertent misdosing—accidental poisoning can happen at any age and is always serious. Remember to keep your local Poison Control number handy, and follow these tips from the experts.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Tour Sarasota Memorial Hospital - Venice

Tour Sarasota Memorial Hospital - Venice

Take a virtual tour of Sarasota Memorial Hospital - Venice. The new hospital opened in November, 2021 and offers full services to the growing south Sarasota County. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Living With COPD: Successful Management Means More Than ‘Making Do’

Living With COPD: Successful Management Means More Than ‘Making Do’

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD, affects millions of people and their families—and can be potentially life-threatening. But a combination of sensible lifestyle changes and the latest in COPD medication means that those with the condition are living full, happy lives. Learn more.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Colonoscopies At 45: Early Detection Makes the Difference

Colonoscopies At 45: Early Detection Makes the Difference

Medical experts agree: Routine colorectal cancer screening should begin at age 45, not age 50 as guidelines previously advised. Sarasota Memorial gastroenterologist Stephen Kucera, MD, explains why and details screening options in this post.

Friday, March 11, 2022